Friday, January 28, 2011


         So, in Alex's opening statement, he mentioned that in our society, network problem is getting more and more. People were using Myspace, Facebook, etc, as the social networking, to socialize with others. However, in Alex's point, he thinks that this is harmful and unsafe, which will probably bring up a bigger problem in our society.
         People could use difference networking to get some imformations about a person. There is an example from Alex's statement said that:
For example, even if you are not friends with a person they can still send you a message or poke. My friend just recently put up a status stating "Getting poked people who are not even on my friends list... F***ing creepers bro". This shows how people you may not even know can communicate to you. What is so bad about this that random people can send harmful, provocative, or inappropriate messages. The only way to stop this is by blocking the person. Another issue with Facebook's security and privacy settings is that when using certain applications or games you have to allow access to some of information.
    Many tennagers always do this such thing, they think that adding more friends will be better than no friends even though they don't really know who those friends are. This is one of the points Alex had mentioned about his opening statement, but I don't think at this way. I think as a tennager, we are old enough to justify what is good and what is bad, what is right to do, and what should not do. I think networking is very helpful in our society, and Alex should give more explannations of how bad the result is if we continue our networking.
      Meanwhile, there are still some dangerous that are in the networking which like what Alex said. My opinion to his statement is that even though this is a good beginning, but I think he shouldn't put so many his opinions into the discussion, and should suppose to show his evidences for the debate.
      This is a pretty good beginning for his opening statement.

First part of "Animal Farm"

     Promt 2--
     In the article "Politics and the English Language" by George Owell in 1946, and these two paragraphs in the prompt show that Owell is upset and mad at those people who are not using English in a right way. For example, people might use it to say some bad words and hurt other people's feelings, or change words' definition, and furthermore, it will change the language culture. At time goes on, Owell expected  people will change back to a good way in using English.
      Owell tried to prove that not using English in a right way could bring up a big impact of our culture. Because there are many English learners in this country who had just immigrant to here, and that will make they easily get some misunderstandings of vocabularies, and this will be passing from people to people. Here is one of the examples Owell had given to his article "A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be failure, and then fail the more completely because he drinks."  Owell uses analogy to express the insult of changing English is like a disease of drinking wine. There is no way to stop it if this problem get worse, so it is like a man who kept drinking and never want to stop. And I think this example is reflecting a lot of things-- a man who fail his life, not only that he kept drinking and drinking, he totally gave up his life and lose confident to do everything. If a person who never struggle or failures in his or her life, how could this person grow up and stay in this society? If the language is going to change, I think the culture and the people's characteristic will also absolutely change, too.
      Owell thinks foolish thoughts could always make the language become inaccurate. And then he leads the yopic into an example of writing. He also expresses that an unclear thesis or topic(which he calls "foolish") could easily make the audiences get into the confusions. He calls this kind of language" Modern English", especially writting   in English essays. "Modern English, espectially writter English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble." This quote tells me that everything should start at a basic, and built up into avenge. Nothing will start perfectly, and ends up perfect, it just happens like that.
      Owell asked the audiences to have their actions to save the language. He clearly explain what will happen to our culture if this problem keep going in a bad way, and we need patient to change. "If one gets ride of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and that is not exclusive concern of professional writers." So here, Owell divides into two parts of the English Writers-- ones are badly changing the language, and ones are professional in writing.  Addition to that, he hopes there will be more professional writers in this society who could lead people to speak a right language.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Opening Statement

   Hi, everyone. Today, our debate topic is "how could humanity control the population increasing in the world". And, before the debate, this is my opening statement for this topic.  These are the numbers of human populations in the top 5 of countries: 1.China(11.3 hundred million) 2.India(8.5 hundred million) 3.United States(2.5 hundred million) 4.Indonesia(1.78 hundred million) 5.Brazil(1.5 hundred million). These data's had been updated at June 22nd, 2010.
   As you can see, the top country that has the most human population is China. And also, China is in one of the four longest history nations. First of all, let me explain why some countries had a bounch of people, but some did not. As a Chinese who had stayed in China for about 10 years, I had felt the way Chinese family usually force the younger marry in an early age, and have babies. For example, in the Ancient China, most of the Chinese were farmers, they plant and grew stuff that could be sale or used. By this time, because farm works need a bunch of people and time, so the family tried to have babies as many as they could, and then they would have more people to help. This is one of the reasons why China had so many human populations. Also, some Chinese believe that having a child would bring lucks and peace to their families.
   And this is about the standard of the couturiers that have the highest human population. And, we will be discuss how we could control the human populations.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Free write On Wednesday

    I think that if the political power corrupt people could actually attain it. A strong goverment needs people's support in order to make it "strong". So what happen, if a country of people had decided to overturn that country, they will make up a revolution to throw up the goverment. So, basically, in the book, "Aminal Farm",  the animals have their special abilities to speak to others, which in the real world, it is impossible, because they don't have Broca's Area in their frontal brain. However, the main purpose is telling that if a leader or a leading group did something that the majority of people feel disgusted about it, and then it will lose supports of people and money, which leads to failure.
    In the Animal Farm, all the animals lead by the pig, and plan to control the farm becuase they think humanity don't have their rights to force other animals do stuff for them. However, even though they keep planning and planning for it, they did not realize how they would have their rest of their life. For example, no one is gonna give food to them, and at the end, they would eat each other-- the stronger eats the weaker. Futhermore, there will become less animals in this world.
    In another way to answer this question, I think good leaders should care more about other people to make people contribute more to others. No one will listen to a boss that is selfish,or useless, and we need more loves in this world.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

response post

   There is one quote in Sutherland University Home Page that I always want to say something about it. This quote is from Abraham Lincoln, and he said:
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first hour sharpening the axe."
-- Abraham Lincoln

  The main idea of this quote is telling that we should have a good preparation for everything that we are responsible for. In school, students should have a good practice of speech before every presentation. Espectially for High school students, every single homework and project is really impacting grandes, therefore we as high school students should do out personal best for every assignment.
   A good preparation could always make a good result. I recall the two science projects me and my group mates did this year. The first one is about the alcohol, and the second one is about the STD dissease. Me and Jay were partners for both of the prejects. For the alcohol one, me and Jay started it very late, we did not put so much time into the background and the coloring of the poster, so it looked so "white", and monotonous. This cause us got a B-, which we expected more. And the second time, me, Jay, Elijah worked for the STD project, and we really spent our time on the project, this leads us to get an A- on the project which we think what we should get.
   So, in conclusion, just like what Lincoln said, get a good preparation, and you will do thing faster than planning.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The most persuasive of debate evaluation

    After reading a bunch of articles about a debate topic "Attempting  college is impact to a man's good life", I found a most persuasive article for myself. "Numbers Favor Top Schools" by Richard D. Kahlenberg, there is a quote somewhere in his first paragraph, he records down there was a girl whose name is Esther said that "Dad, we're not here for those classes," she replied,"we're here to meet each other." Esther was graduated from Harvard, and by the time her dad asked her why she did not do her homework, she proved that to go to elite school is not to learn-- is to meet more rich friends in order to ask for helps in the future.
   Richard's response to that is "The richest colleges require students on average to pay just 20 percent of the total cost of college, compared with 78 percent at the least wealthy colleges. At selective institutions, a student is surrounded by talented and high achieving peers." I agree with Richard's view of what the girl said. A person is always effected by his or her friends, families and the people who are surrounded by. I think friend could help a person to be success, or to put a person into failure. Therefore, paying a high price  to attempt an elite school not only could get a better education, it also connects to some important friendships which will easily impact a person's life.
   Anyway, I think this one is really depending on what you think about a good life is. For example, if a student just finds out that he has a cancer, and he just has 10 days, why would he go to an elite college to waste his 10 days and his life already has no hopes? I am not saying that college classes are waste of times, but I feel like if you want to make more money, you probably would choose to go to college and graduate.
   One more post to go!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuesday Night

   There is something happend to me this Tuesday night that make me feel sad. My mom had left and back to China after my aunt attempt to California. At the very last second that say "good bye" to my mom, I was upset and sort of want to cry, but I did not. I know this will happen from the time my mom had came to California for taking care of my big family, and this wasn't the first time she left me-- therefore two days later, now, I already forget the pain.
   First of all, let me introduce my famiily's "treatment". Because my big family members all immigrant to California from China, so the olders in my family do not really want to stay in United States for their rest of the lifes(you know what the Chinese olders feel)-- struggle in language, not so many friends as in China, and here isn't where they were born. Anyway, from the time my aunt applied my family to United States successfully, my mom bought a house in Bay Farm and invited my aunt's family to live with my family. And later on, my mom also invited my another aunty to live together since they all had helped us immigrant to United States somehow. So, there are three families that live in my house. Then after all the children in my house went to school, my mom, and my two aunties said that one of them stay in United States taking care of all the children, and the rest of the two could stay in China, and each time, one needs to stay in United States at lease half year. This is why my mom was back to China on Tuesday, because she did her job in the "treatment".
   My father and my brother are still in China, this is one of the reasons why my mom was going back to China. And by the way, my dad is working in China, that is also why my brother did not come to United States not because he is still too young-- if my brother immigrant to United States too, that would be only my father and mother live in China. However, my brother is still coming next year.   By the time my mom left on Tuesday night, I did not say so many things as before, because I know my mother will come again soon, actually after a year. I do not want to be  the way my cousin did two years ago-- while my aunty was going into the airport, and said "good bye" to my cousin, he cried, he just couldn't stop it. ehh, my family is just having too many complicated stuff going on.
   Two more posts to go, Yeah!