Friday, February 25, 2011

The Joy Luck Club

        Quickwrite 2:
        "Family and honor should take priority over the rights of the individual family member", I think Popo would say this is true, however, I think for An-mei's mother, she would say it is false. In Chinese traditional, old people always think faces are everything for them. For example, in An-mei's mother's case, the family feel shame of what An-mei's mother did-- she married a man who already had few wifes. So, as I know, this is called depriciating herself because in Chinese family, the oldest one is the head, and the latest one should always be respectfull and polite to the older people. So, in her mom's case, she is the youngest one and she needed to be respeact to the rest of her husband's wifes. And this is one of the reasons why the family feel shamefullness on her.
        And also, in the traditional, Chinese family does not want their a woman marries a man with many wifes because that sounds like betray. So, I think this is one of the important facts that the family is really hating on at An-mei's mom, like what Popo said, it just made her feel shamefullness. So, back to the point, I think I agree to that Family and honor should take priority over the rights of the individual family member because Family is compose with a group of people, not only just individual. Family menber should be supporting to each other and make everyone become successful.
        By the way, I also think that it is pretty mean and I feel sorry for An-mei that she has to marry to a guy who is younger than her, and she doesn't like him at all. Unfortunately, because the disaster, it destroyed all the plants her family had, and made her family mush move out and left An-mei by herself. She could not do anything even thought she feel upset about it. And this is why I think it should not work this way of putting family menber individully.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Response to Chinese Mothers are superior

          Haha, I like this article so much! Someone had finally said my thoughts of my family. Amy Chua, who wrote this article, had described her family as well. I like this paragraph that she is describing her family:
 A lot of people wonder how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids. They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too. Well, I can tell them, because I've done it. Here are some things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do:
 • attend a sleepover• have a playdate
• be in a school play
• complain about not being in a school play
• watch TV or play computer games
• choose their own extracurricular activities
• get any grade less than an A
• not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama
• play any instrument other than the piano or violin
• not play the piano or violin.
    I recalled when I was little, my mom forced me to learn piano, chess, and Chinese calligraphy even though I did not want to. The meaning things that my mom always did to me was that she drove me to the schools,  dropped me off, and left without being looking back. This is why I fail every time I tried not to go to outside class schools. And if i don't go learn, she won't pick me up. There were  no rights between me and her-- she is always superior of me, and she decided everything for me.   -_-  However, at least I can feel the way these three habits are really helping my life.
           I think that my parents own me a better childhood, but I think it is worthy though. At least right now I have more habits to do outside of school. And I also thinks that even though most of the Chinese families are strict, but at least they all want their children to become successful. Even though I cried many times when I was little becuase my mom forced me to do things that I did not want to do, but now, I feel glad that I had learned these things in order to make my life becomes better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The quickwrite of the animal farm

   I think that there are many similarities and differences between the Animal farm and the Egypt wars. In my opinions, first of all, the Egyptians are like the animals in the book, and the government is like the Human population in the book. All the animals gather together against to the stronger side, and they did won the battle. It is mostly like the Egyptians, no matter how many troubles and problems they are going to have, they won't give up  until the last second, and they will keep their rights going. The animals finally success at the end, just like the Egyptians were having a revolution against to their President. One thing I learned from this case is that if a government lose supports or credits by the people, it is going to fail one day.
   The difference I can see is that the Egyptians were separated from many places in order to get the president down. However, in the Animal Farm, the animals are gathering together and attacking the farm. The only thing they tried to do is use their own hands to turn the humanity over and took control of the farm. It is pretty difference because the Egyptians did not concentrated together, they separated out to ask more people to participate in their acts. However, at the end, both of them were won the battle and have their own rights.
    In conclusion, both of the facts show that people should have a limit level of doing something. When a big environment cross over the level, it will lose controls and supports, and which lead them to failure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Animal Chapter 11

                                                                  Animal Farm, Chapter 11
By Alex Tang, Peter Chen

    Late at night Moses, Clover, Benjamin, and the rest of the animals were fast asleep, but a loud roaring sonic boom sound broke the eerie silence. The ground began to shake and the farm began to fall apart. The chickens flew up from their cumfy sleep and ran around in search of a way to get out. The ground shook more violently and the roof fell leaving most of the animals injured or dead. Among the dead were Moses and Clover.
“Clover? Moses?” Benjamin cried out, but there was no response. Benjamin walked down the barn looking for survivors, but very few survived and of the few survivors, many were injured.
    The earthquake, as bad as it was, was not the end of the disaster. The sun had arisen, but clouds covered up and seems to ate up the sun. Thunder rocked and shattered the ears of many of the animals. Rain broke through the clouds and crashed on the ground. Rain poured and poured for on and on. Water puddled all around the farm and the remains of the farm began to wash away along with the bodies of the dead. The animals ran towards where the humans were staying. They had no option. They ran outside, and saw the humanity are having the same situation as they do.
   "We have to fight it back! Let's do this together!" The human population invites the animals. Once enemies, and now allies trying to fight for their survival against the elements. Together they went to the ruins of was once the farm. Water as up to the ancles of the humans and it was quickly rising. They pulled all of the boards and remains left to build a boat. Quickly they all hoped on, just in the knick of time. An immense wave carshed and hit the boat. They have been escaping successfully, but the boat is so small that could not fit all the animals and the human-- many got fallen into the sea, and some of them are dead in sickness.
    After all, many animals die, same do the human. The boat reach to their new destination-- New Animal Farm's Land. They got out and the pig, Napoleon, announced that the animals should work with the human in order to help each other survive. And most of the animals did listen to him, and they start to cooperate together. 

    After two months fighting to the disaster, everything is gone. Napoleon sadly and slowly count how many animals were left that were under his control-- they lost 90 percents of the animals in the earth, so do the human! "Oh my lord!" said the pig "why you take away our people! What we did wrong?!" And all the Animals follow him to cry. The human populations lost many people, too. They start to clean up the dead bodies, and through the dead bodies into the sea. The human population lost almost 80 percents of their people.
    The earth become crack-- There are only 3 percents of land, and 97 percents of water. Therefore, there is very less lands in the earth.
    Everything is pretty over right now. And after all, the animals finally learned a big lesson in these days: they are shameful and feel pointless that they fight to the human before and cause many animals die. From this moment, they start to have their reconstruction--The humanity were builting up their houses, and the animals were farming food for them-- they actually cooperate with each other. The leader of animals--the pig, Napoleon, had comminucate with the humanity that they should have their rights. 
    After like a two months, everything is mostly settle down, the animals and the humanity had a very important meeting-- Throughout the disaster, both of sides learn that they should help each other out instead fighting for their territory. Therefore, they have  a pretty good suggestion, they make up a contract, which both of them sign their names on it, and it will work forever:
1. The Humanity won't be allowed to eat Animals ANYMORE! Vegetable is good for your health -_-
2. The Animals will have two days off every week since they work really hard in farming.
3. The Humanity have to be respect to the animals, the Humanity have to call them politely. For example, you CANNOT call Napoleon "pig", you should call "Mr. Napoleon" or "Mr. Pig" if you cannot identify what is the name for that animal...
4. Whenever the animal die, the humanity have to offer a big funeral for the animal.
5. Every Animal should not work more that 10 hours a day.
And there is the signature by the human population: Human
and the Humanity had these in their contract:
1. The animals will forever not to have a revolution.
2. Each of the animals should not leave its owner.
3. The animals must help the humanity whenever they have problems.
And there is the signature by Napoleon:  *%^%$&><._+      (Animal Language)
    And because Both of them are really doing what they should do in the contract, so that all the population in the earth are really having peace in their life.
    One day, when a child asks his parents why they should get alone with the animals, the parents said: 1+1 will always more than 1 which means that cooperation and teamwork are always better than a person's work in most the time and it also means that if all the population could be concentrated together and help each other out, they will be able to solve every problem. It is like in the chess game, why does the King always become the most valuable even though it is powerless compare to other pieces? Becuase it is unique, and no one could be substitue it, and other pieces have to help it out of every situation everytime. This is the point of the game.
     The child seems to understand something, he walks to the farm, and helping the Ox farming.