Tuesday, May 24, 2011

College personal statement

    My mother country is China, Canton is where I was born. When I was 13, my whole family immigrated to United States of America, but they don’t often stay for a long time. Although all of my family members have green cards, but my parents and my brother stay in China for works and school most of the time in the year, and they just come once a year. I had Chinese education for 13 years before I immigrated. I am proud of what I am. Ever since i was young, my parents wanted me to learn about Chinese culture as much as I can, which drived me tired often. I have learned how to write the Chinese Calligraphy, play the piano and chess. I spent hard works on each of them and I got awards. I had passed on the level 6 test in piano when I was in 7th grade. I had many awards for chess and Calligraphy that I won at the competitions in China.  I enjoyed my tough life in China for 13 years, and now I am looking forward for my future.
    Because English is my second language, I have a hard time on studying English. Sometimes I feel left out. I recall to my first day of America School, I was an eighth grader in Lincoln Middle school.  The only words I could say or understand are “Hi” and “thank you”, nothing else. One of the reasons is because my English teachers in China had their accents in English. This impact me had a hard time catching up on what other people were speaking. Everything is turning in a good way after the first half of the year, at least I could barely follow each word that came out of my teachers’ mouths.I took the adjustment test and tried to get into Geometry in my 8th grade, the officials in the office put me back to Algebra 1 even though i got an A on the test. Their reasons were just they did not think I will be able to catch up in Geometry since there are many word problems, and they wanted me to retake Algebra 1 even though I knew all the stuff in that book. At that moment, I noticed if i don't improve my English, I won’t be able to fulfill my dream. Later the year, I became a tutor and helped 6th and 7th graders in Math after school. Not only I could get community services hours from doing so, I could also learn more English by socialize.
    My dream is getting into a good UC, by that, I don’t mean they have to be super nice, I just want an UC that fits my major well. I love math, so I think I am going for mathemathic. I also know I have to improve my other grade on different subject by improving my English. Therefore, I am looking for more opportunities for more activities that involved socialize.

    Every Saturday, I go to FCSN for volunteering. I played sports with some mental illness kids and also take care of them. I like my job. By the time I take care of those kids, I learn that I have to be patient for everything before it comes success. The kids there always have some weird action, and their brains are slower than normal people. The leader of the program always tells us that there are still some possibilities for them to turn well and get rid of the issues they are having. Right, I became patient to those kids, I teach them how to play Pingpong, how to do a jumping jet, and how to be respectful to others. Because they are kids, and most of them are under 10, so they are innocent inside. I also learned that rushing is not the good way to finish a job as always. Once I yield at a kid who is as tall as me, but he was as tall as me. He cried so badly from my criticisms. I really felt regret of criticizing him just because he tried to messed around with me. They are kids, no matter how big their size is, they still have a small heart which is easy to break down. And it is my job to keep it safe or fix it.
    The hardest part of this job is that I need to teacher those kids the movements to play pingpong. Often time they would run away from me because they think they are not able to do it or they just don’t want to do it. So my first job is to chase those kids and get them in position. I mean it is challenge to get them on position and not to run away without yielding at them. First of all, I need to hold their shoulders and teach them the movement to hit the pingpong ball. The racket needs to be oblique because that way it is easier to hit the ball back. We always practice the same move over and over again to let them have a view of how you play pingpongSecond of all, I need to serve the balls to those kids in order to hit it back. They always miss the ball or hit it out. Some of the kids would give me a sad face. Eventually I need to comfort them and give them another easier serve. It takes skills to finish an hour practice.
    I think this volunteering job had impact me in a good way. I learned how to be patient to everything and every person, and should be optimistic to whatever that is going to happen to me. Nothing will be perfect, especially at the beginning. Our lives need decisions and improvements. By the time goes on, I feel confident to my future.

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