Friday, August 27, 2010

ASTI Constitution

After reading "infinities" of classmates' good works, I have founded one of the golden line that is in David's reflections:
I believe that paying attention in class is one my strengths that focuses on college readiness. I like to jot down notes when I am watching clips that the teacher has brought in or when I am listening to the teacher even though the teacher doesn’t say to do so. I just like to be careful. Over the next few years, I would like to work on my organization skills. I tend to get messy often and my backpack seems to be stuck full of papers.
This quote's meaning is relating to ASTI constitution because it is shown what is the goal that the writer had. I think what David said is that he mentioned what his strength is and how could he do to improve himself in college classes. David also talks about paying attention is not enough, he needs to jot down some notes that the teachers havn't tought about, which also call your thoughts. David also talks about what should he still need to work on-- his organization skill. As his classmate, I notice that he does pretty good at this, but he still think he needs to improve. Perhaps his stuck full of papers really make annoying to him because I know. For me, I think I need to improve on my organization skills, too. One of the reasons is that I always put different period handouts into others' period folders. It causes me sometimes hard to find my papers because I would not remember which one paper is in which folder or binder. I try to recall but always cannot really know where I put. In the fulture, I will try to organize well like a college student does. I will also act like David did--try to improve my strengths.

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