Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Remarks by President Barack Obama" Reflection

    In the speech, Barack Obama had mentioned that students should have their own responsibility to study.  The president said if a student quits school, he or she does not just quit his or her school, he or she quits the hopes and requirements by the families and the country. Barack Obama also mentioned no one is cotrolling anyone's destiny, and you control your own destiny. If you want to be good, you need to spent hark work on studying; if not, then a bad grade will come to you. There is also a good sentence that Barack Obama said," where you are right now does not determind where you will end up." Right, even though we have few times get bad grades, it does not mean that we are stupid; it shows what we get wrong and improving everyday and get better in the fulture.
    As a student, I know the responsibility for me to study. It probably not easy for me, but I still need to try my best. My family always tell me it is Okay to get a bad grade unless you really try your best and spent your time on hard work. Sometimes, I might not absolutely get a good grade on every class and I need to improve my English readings. I desire one day I could improve my English just like a real American, and this is what I am trying to do.
   After reading this speech by Barack Obama, I really feel I learn a lot. Not only how he taught to the students, espectially how he strongly show the students they are controling their fulture and not to make dissapointments on our families. Sometimes I feel lucky that I was born in a family that could totally raise me to study. I will try and try like what the presodent said, " your bahavior is shown how the U.S educational looks like." and I will do my best in my future. Improvements, are coming to me soon!

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