Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Just kidding"and "Ganging up"from Odd Girl Out Reflection


      People always bully someone when they do not get alone with that person. Especially at school, soemtimes when one student not having a good relationships with others, then other students would just joke about him and bully him. The guys who bully others would not know how the feeling is for that person. If this person is really without any authority, I mean, even most of his or her teachers would not help this person, then  I could say this person really gets in a big trouble.
       When I was eighth grade in Lincoln Middle School,(and that is also my first year to have U.S education) I saw many times that people bully others. I did not help the one who gets bully on, how could you help a guy that is against to few people? Authority? Power? Evidence? No! None of them above I had. I just know do not make others feel bad or mad, do the way I think it should be. Luckily, in Lincoln, I remember I only have once that others tried to bully me, not really bully, but it really make be feel bad. The second day of the school, there is a guy who lanugh on my English-speaking skill very loudly(that was my first year! How would I speak English like an ABC!?) At that day, that guy really make me feel shame and bad. However, I was learning Algebra one at that year and I have been learned it in China when I was 6th grade. It seemed so easy for me and I still remember I got 12 100-percents tests out of 17(One of the reasons is that my math teacher was really helping me in my English). At the second time when I got my 100-percents test back, the guy who was bully me did not say anything about me again. In Chinese, this called prestige. When you get something that is huge better than others, others would think you were a gifted guy. And later on, I did not talk to the guy who was bully me, and our relationship gets better-- he apologize and I said "it is Okay."
       If people are bully me, I won't just walk away like some people do. I will stay there and listen to what those people said and wait for them finish. I won't escape because I think if you just walk away, people will think you are weak and bully you again and again. One of the reasons is that I think I need to show them I do not care what they are saying, even though I really do in my brain. Second, I won't say anything back because perhap those guy will be my friends some day. To have one more friend is better than to have one more enemy.
       There is a girl in the "Odd Girl Out" whose name is Nikki and she said," If I am mad at someone, it,it is just a lot easier to tell everyone else and turn them against the persons because then I am the one who is right. " To have others' power and turn them all to against one person, that is meanness and unforgiveness. How would you know the feelings of how a group of people bully you and the same feeling for the person who you are bully on.
       Think before you act. As high school students, we know that we are responsiblity to what we did. Bully someone is not cool because if you know the feeling of getting bully, you won't do it any more. Be friendly and nice, a person could be one of your friend or one of your enermy.

1 comment:

  1. I did a response to this ! Here it is :
