Friday, February 25, 2011

The Joy Luck Club

        Quickwrite 2:
        "Family and honor should take priority over the rights of the individual family member", I think Popo would say this is true, however, I think for An-mei's mother, she would say it is false. In Chinese traditional, old people always think faces are everything for them. For example, in An-mei's mother's case, the family feel shame of what An-mei's mother did-- she married a man who already had few wifes. So, as I know, this is called depriciating herself because in Chinese family, the oldest one is the head, and the latest one should always be respectfull and polite to the older people. So, in her mom's case, she is the youngest one and she needed to be respeact to the rest of her husband's wifes. And this is one of the reasons why the family feel shamefullness on her.
        And also, in the traditional, Chinese family does not want their a woman marries a man with many wifes because that sounds like betray. So, I think this is one of the important facts that the family is really hating on at An-mei's mom, like what Popo said, it just made her feel shamefullness. So, back to the point, I think I agree to that Family and honor should take priority over the rights of the individual family member because Family is compose with a group of people, not only just individual. Family menber should be supporting to each other and make everyone become successful.
        By the way, I also think that it is pretty mean and I feel sorry for An-mei that she has to marry to a guy who is younger than her, and she doesn't like him at all. Unfortunately, because the disaster, it destroyed all the plants her family had, and made her family mush move out and left An-mei by herself. She could not do anything even thought she feel upset about it. And this is why I think it should not work this way of putting family menber individully.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! In Chinese and a majority of asian cultures, women are usually treated with less respect than men. For instance, there was a time when China had a limit of one baby per family and most families chose to kill their daughters by means of abiding to the law. Do you think it is best to "keep the face" of the family by treating women poorly???
