Friday, March 4, 2011

Second part of the Joy Luck Club

      The beginning of the chapter 2 of the Joy Luck Club, has expressed the severe of the Chinese Families and the kids were challenging themselves. In the story of "The rules of the game" and "the voice of the wall", both of them show the pressure that the family had given to their children. Both of the families in the story wanted their children to become better and better. For example, in the story of "The rules of the game", when Waverly Jong's mom found out that Waverly had special gifted intelligent to play chess, she forced her daughter to have more tournaments and she always got the first place. However, during her practice, her mom always require her to win as perfect as she can, and this is what she asked her to do in the tournaments. Waverly did not really get the differences between winning by 10 pieces or 2 pieces, and why her mom wanted her to be perfect as well; what her mom response is that something like it is shameful to win with few pieces.
"Lost eight piece this time. Last time was Eleven. What I tell you? Better off lose less!"(P97)
     This is one quote from Waverly's mom which she is criticizing her daughter, Waverly, that she loses too many pieces in the game even thought she still won. Although Waverly was ignoring her mother because she noticed that her mother just used her as one of her tools to show off to people. This is not really what Waverly wanted by winning the tournament. So, my opinion to this story is that the idea behind that Waverly tried to say is that she got tired and annoying of her mother, and wasn't favor on what her mom did. Waverly just want to have a normal life like others, unfortunately, since her mom had a different view of Waverly's life, it changed Waverly's personality, characters and thoughts a lot.

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