Friday, March 25, 2011

The Joy Luck Club cyclical element writing

     Finally finish reading the Joy Luck Club, I think it is a great book which expresses the ideas of Chinese cultures in Chinese family. And it also shows an idea that is cyclical element between the family members, and how it effects their relationship. For example, the motherhood has a big impact on the daughters' life and the mothers led their daughters having a unique view to their life.
     For example, in the story, The Rules of the game,  Waverly Jong's mother pushed her so hard to be perfect on playing chess. Her mother is very strict at her, she pushed Waverly to learn how to play chess after she found her had such talent and gifted on playing chess. Also, she required her to lose as least as many pieces she could in the chess tournament. "Lost eight piece this time. Last time was eleven. What i tell you? Better off lose less!"(P97) This quote is from Waverly's mom, which is really mean and strict. As a chess player, I don't know the purpose of losing less is better than losing more, as long as you win the game at the end. The only purpose of doing that is to satisfy the desire from Waverly's mother of showing off to other people that Waverly is actually professional on playing chess. However, Waverly does not really like how the way her mother treat her as a way to show off, which make her dislike chess so much.
     Later on, after waverly grows up and has her own children, she tried to teach her child to have a good personality espectially not always want to show off. There is one quote that Waverly said" And My mom loves to show off a lot, like one of my many trophies she polished. she used to discuss my games as if she had devised the strategies" (P170) This is what Waverly really think about her mother while she was little. Because of her mother's bad personality influenced Waverly had a bad mind of what is going on in her childhood, she started to teach her daughter to be modest and respectful. This is how the cyclical relationship is--Waverly's mother pass her view of life to Waverly, and then Waverly gives a better view of life to her daughter as a mother. I believe this cyclical will turn better and better by the time pass by.

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