Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essay "Dinosaurs"

   In "the Dinosaurs" by Italo Calvino, the most important character trait which Q displays is shamefulness-- which he always feels scary and regretful of what he did and shame on himself as a dinosaur he tries to become someone else.
   At the beginning of the story, Q was so disappointed to live as a dinosaur and he always feels shame on himself. To Q, he does not want to choose to be a dinosaur if he could. Q always feels more scary on himself more than how much he makes others scary. Once Q says to himself "the more I learned how we made others tremble, the more I trembled myself."(P100). This shows how the level that Q feels of himself when someone feels scare on him. From this quote, I feel that not only it really prove the emotion that Q has, I noticed the diction in this sentence is wisely-- The author did not choose "scary, afraid" these kinds of words to describe how Q feels scary on himself, the author rather to use "Trembled" which is perfect. Trembled is the actions when people feel scary and do it, which the author used it to describe the emotional. For Q, he could see how much he makes scary on others, and that shows how terrible others think he is. In another hand, if he is just all right, people won't feel trembled at him any more.
   While Q and Zahn join the conversation with the people, one of those guys mentioned about the dinosaur which makes Q feels uncomfortable-- Q afraid that those guys would talk about the dinosaur and found out he is the ones. Q is nervous, careful, and shamefulness. "In the end they changed the subject, I could breathe again."(P101) A person becomes nervous without breathing does not mean they do not breathe, it means that they do not noticed they are breathing because they focus a lot onto a subject. This is also a good diction because "stopping Breathing" shows how Q is too nervous on the topic. Q actually afraid that people would notice he is a dinosaur and try to kill him-- and this is what brings Q feel nervous about.
   Last, there is also a small fact that shows Q is shame on himself. When he heard about the ancient lord  by dinosaurs and noticed about "Now I knew that the more the dinosaur disappear, the more they extend their dominition."(p107) Even though for Q, he knows that if the dinosaurs nation die faster, then the ancient lord would lead the world faster. Unfortunately, Q did not spent so much cares about it because he hates dinosaur which he is one of them. As usual, people would do something to stop it, but he did not! He does not care about it. All in all, these three facts show how Q are shame at being a dinosaur.

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