Thursday, September 16, 2010

Response to"Today I was ashame of my own blood" by Amber Gomez

It took me few minutes to finish reading Amber Gomez's Blog post, I found a golden line:
I hate that I feel slightly ashamed of what my blood is out there doing. The truth is, I don't know what is going on on the battlefield. I don't know what they are doing, I don't know what they're thinking, so I don't know how to respond. Also I feel terrible because now every person that watched the video today has had to think at least once today "Damn, those soldiers are awful." We shouldn't have to doubt our own country.
    What Amber is talking about is the film that Mr. Fargher shows us these few days. The film is about the  how the Iraq War involved with Americans and so many soldiers die. Basically what Amber is mentioned is that she feels bad because those soldiers die and in another hand they die because they are protecting us. Amber said that she was shamed on her blood because she thinks in the past, Chinese people killed a lot of different nation of people. And then she said she will immediately to go ask her uncle if he did kill someone in the war.
     I disagree of what Amber said. In the war, if one side of the soldiers would be scary to kill the enemy, then the another side of soldiers will come to kill this side of soldiers. As a soldiers, you won't have any choices-- Kill someone or get killed by someone. And also, I think that as old as her uncle is, he would not involved any big war unless he is a soldier. There are many things that were not the soldiers' false to kill people-- it is the leaders' false-- they try to attack other nation to get more territory or more authority.Whenever somewhere has a war, there would be a lot of people die in the war. It is not the soldiers' false because no one wants to kill someone they do not know for no reasons.
    Here is a quote that I really like about, and it is from a Japanese officer,"You need to think about you will get killed before you raised your gun." What it basically means is that from the moment that you have your gun up and try to shot someone, you need to also think about someone will also kill you by a gun. This is why it is called a warr-- which will easily take people's life.
   Amber feels scale and pity in the war, which everyone in our class does. However, this is what the result of having a war and she should not feel shamed of what her blood's relationship is. I know the problems will always not started from the soldiers, but always end with them, which we called scrafied. Aren't the people just making a war because they have nothing to do? No! It does not make any senses. This is what I think aboyut it.

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