Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to "Right and Wrong Part one" By Vincent Liu

I found this quote from Vincent's Blog and I like to talk about it:
These two theories are not perfect, and they have many flaws. My first theory states that a person shapes their sense of right and wrong by their personal experiences in life. This not always true. For example, a person can grow up in a family of criminals, but they can actually choose to not follow in his or her family footsteps because they decide that whatever their family doing is wrong. If my first theory is correct, this example can't be true. Being born in a family of criminals means that you are expose to doing crimes everyday, and you are heavily influenced by the bad people around you for every second of your life. How is it possible that with all of this influence, it can't even shape a person sense of right and wrong?
     I agree with Vincent at this point. Sometimes people judge things right or true by their experiences or what olders told them. I am not saying that anything old people say is no right, but no one in this world is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes when the olders get misunderstanding and told people to do the wrong things, this is what basic what Vincent has mentioned about. How would a person iderntify someting is wrong without other people say so?
     Since I was little, my parents or my family members always told me what is right to do, which is not.
 I absolutely believed them because their experiences are more than mine and at that moment, I cannot even identify if they are reight or not. I just believe it. This really expressed how older people are effected the younged people which Vincent has mentioned about.
     Anyways, in conclusion, I still think that people should define "true" or "falese" by their own expriences and not by what other people have taught-- the things you see will never "lie" to you because it is truefullness.
Sometimes, the suggestions that the olders mention about could be anxiety, then do the things you believe is true.
    Waiting for the second part of the story. Yah!

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