Friday, October 22, 2010

"Night" Essay

   In Night by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer is a survivor who involve into the World War Two; and he has been in Birkenau, Auschwitz, and Buna during the war. During that time, the people who are around him blessed and hoped to the God. Eliezer begins to experience comflict when the Germans take him to the concentration camp and lead to the loss of faith in god.
   At the beginning of the book, Eliezer is a very religious person who really faith in his god. Eliezer is one of the Jewish people whose religious makes them very optimstic. To his family, they belived and faith in god more than every others do. "why did I pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?"[P2] This quote shows 100 percents that Eliezer is a religious person. He thinks everything he gets is made from god and god gives him his lfe. In this kind of terrible war, everyone reliance on god as someone that they could talk and bless.  This also shows an emotional of how the people thought.
   During the war, Eliezer got confuse in faithing his god. Although he blessed and "talk" a  lot to his god, his situation did not really turn better. From the time German took him to the concentratin cam, he begins to lose his faith in god, "Some talked of God , of his mysterious ways, of his mysterious ways, fo the sins of the Jewish people, and of their future deliverance."[p42] This quote shows that not only Eliezer, the majority of Jewish people all began to suspect their god and having a conflict with god. They bless and bless and try to get some help from the god, but nothing happens to them-- or even the situation gets worse. It really hurt the waker people's feeling-- they hope for the peace in this world, but the last chance-- the god did not do anything for them.
   At the very end of the Jewish year, Eliezer was having a pearty with his survivor friends. When the night comes, Eliezer was talking to himself, " what are you, my god. Compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to you their faith, their anger, their revolt?"[P63] Dissapointment is what Eliezer think about his god. Although they were having revolutions for the their peace, but nothig is happnig so good for them. His conflicts began to lose of his faith to his god. In the war, people are too rely on the god, and right now, Eliezer thinks that it is hard to faith in his god and he just loses everything by his god. "Where is God now? And I heard a voice within me answer his: where is he? Here he is -- he is hanging here on his gollows..."[P62] What a sad emotion that Eliezer has. He is already, 100 percents lose his faith in god! Afetr anything happend to Eliezer, and at the end, he just gives up his God. He thinks he has nothing to trust again. From the time the Frence took him to the concentration camp, he started to lose his faith in God, because he got no helps. Espectially in this kind of war, it would be very blind and darkness if someone just loses the last thing to believe or the last thing to fight for it.
    In conclusion, I  learn a lot by this book. And it is more clear after listening to Ms. Ronit's family history. There were really many people who get killed in the war. Not so much except the personality and comflicts that Eliezer had during the war. After all, peace finally comes to the world, and I hoped Eliezer would feel better and the peace would make him gets his hopes back.

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