Friday, October 29, 2010


  After the first busy quarter and with a million of blog posts, I have taken a way to show the efforts improvements between every blog posts and I feel the more posts I have, the more new writing skills  I learn, which would lead me to success. Also, I noticed that the more blogs I write, the more favorite post I have. Really, I sometimes feel surprised of what I wrote. I never thought that I could write such thoughtful blog by just looking at a picture. Also, since the first time I wrote my blog, I cannot image what to write about. I struggle with the topic and the thesis statement, and I still remember that was the one I wrote in the summer homework. I wasn't having a clear idea of what to write. This makes my blog posts "Just kidding and Ganging up" become kind of board:
When I was eighth grade in Lincoln Middle School,(and that is also my first year to have U.S education) I saw many times that people bully others.I did not help the one who gets bully on, how could you help a guy that is against to few people? Authority? Power? Evidence? No! None of them above I had. I just know do not make others feel bad or mad, do the way I think it should be.'
   I am not saying that I think this is my worst one, but I am just like it is less meaningful and unclear. To my honest, my English really gets worse at the period I went back to China and spoke Chinese for a whole summer. I just translate every sentence in my head from Chinese into English, which always not making sense. I knew I still got a lot of things to deal with, especially my writing-- I need a bunch of vocabularies, because I always being wordless in adjective. I know what are my weak points, and I started to work on those problems.
   After a million of blog posts, I finally see my improvements even though it is not that obvious. One Friday, I listend to a Chinese popular singer, whose name is Jay Chou, and his song's name is " Superman can't fly." and I really felt in  love of the song's lyrics. Therefore, I wrote a blog about the lyrics, and I put the same name for the  my feelings to it.
Flying is the basic thing that a superman should have(how could a  superman quits without flying skill when he gets kick ass?For sure, no one deducts his power, he just, can't fly!). Whatsoever, this kind of superman is weak at his powers.
   In this piece of blog post, I really just make it up by listning that song once. The story of the lyris is describing the life of a superman who cannot fly, but still help people. The basic and obvious improvement is that I could put a new vocablary into my sentence, and make a comapare and comtrast on the one who can fly, and another one which cannot fly. Everytime I start a new blog, there are always something that I struggle with the diction, and syntax. I am working very hard on them, and there is one blog post shows my hard efforts and thoughtful intelligence, which its name is Elizabeth quick write:
In the letter Mr. Stephy wrote that "We are glad to have this kind of brave soldier, and we all know that he has done a lot to our battle; unfortunately, we have to tell you that he got killed in the battle and we feel sorry for you....." Kelly did not read the rest of the letter, or her mind just stops her to read. She did not know what to do, she was just standing there--she does not know what to do in the future-- there are 3 more months for her to give born to their child. What will her child and her could do? She began to cry and cry. After like half an hour, she just noticed that the letter was all wet with her tears. Her both hands are trembled! She blesses and blesses every single day and hopes that her husband will be peace and safe. However, the worst thing just happened to her which she never want it happened--her husband die! She just keeps crying and crying-- what else could she do?
    Then she takes a knife and stucks into her own body--BOTH of her child and herself die!
    There is a secret that this woman would never know! There is a line that is in red ink clearly shows at the bottom-- HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY! And the signature is her husband's name.
   I like the end of the story, how it turns the audiences' emotional into sadness from happiness. I feel surprised too-- I did not expect my self to think thank kind of surprising ending. I was just looking at the picture for 10 minutes, and already make up a unique story. Therefore, not only my writing skills have improved-- my critical thinking has improved,too.
   What a busy dates we have done, and I believe I will work better in the following quarter. My goal for the second quarter is to write a page in a quick write, and try to do my best to remember the vocabulary in the vocabularies list. At the end, could you guess what number of promts I am writing?--------No.1!

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