Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog post for Garcia girl second part

     Hahn, it is Tuesday and as usual it is the date we post the blog for the Garcia girls. As we all know the book's order, it is from present to the past. This is the first book I read that is in this kind if order. Anyway, let me talk more about the details in this book of section 2.
     Everyone has their own secrets, and keep a secret secretly, could always make things beautiful. At the almost end of the section 2, one of the rich family members took Sandi to their party with the Garcia girls. Then something happen to Sandi's father who is a doctor. There is a drug woman who drinks alcohol and Lost her control and kiss the Garcia's father's face. Sandi saw what exactly happen at that moment. I wonder why their father would not refuse that woman or just push her away. And today in the class discussion, my group mates said that their father does not want Sandi says it out because he afraid to get troubles from others who are in the party. The Garcia's father is just a doctor, but most of the people in the party have money, authority, and get respects from the society. If the father gets trouble by one, there would be more than ones who are going to make problems to the doctor.
    For me, I do not think that is the only reason-- Maybe their father wants to keep it secret so that his wife would not know it. It is easy to image what happen if his wife, whichGarcia's mom knew it, the family might be breaking down. Although the doctor does not want the drug woman kiss him, but he cannot do anything with it. Would his wife believe him? I cannot tell because I am not his wife, but I could tell it surely would make problems to their family if their mother knows a woman kiss her husband.
    For Sandi, to keep the doctor's secret not only is supporting his job, it also help fixing their family relationships. Therefore I learn that sometimes to keep a meaningful secret does decrease many hates in this world.

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