Friday, November 5, 2010

Free write"jay's quiz"

     I have the funnest joke I hear in this semester! This joke actually shows in Jay Pan's quiz. I laugh for 5 minutes-- I could not stop myself! Today in Ronit's class, we were reviewing our quizzes in order to prepare for our chapter exam nextweek. We went through all three sections very deeply, and at quiz 3.1, which is about the schwann cells and axon potentials. The basic function of the axon potentials is to transport the neurotransmitters from the denrite to the axon terminal in order to sent impulses to the brain or the the muscle.
     That is the basic of what the action potential does. On the quiz, there is one big section of filling the balances. This is a section which Ms. Ronit gave us a whole paragraph, and she left some balances for us to complete the whole process of the Action poential. Above the whole paragraph, Ms. Ronit put " The story of a Nerve Impulse" which describes how the whole procce that the neurontransmitters sent to the axon terminal. All in all, the full procce is talking about how the nerve impulses sent to the brains like when we touch, and feel the temprature of something, the impulses would sent to the brain in order to tell you move away your hands from something is damaging you. However, at the 4th side of the quiz, there is a short-answer question which asks: what is the name or tittle for that figgure? Jay Pan, the funnest sophmore I have ever seen, he wrote: The story of a Nerve Impulse"-- he was just copying the third page of the figgure for the fill in balance question, and the tittle is nothing to the question for the short answer! I mean, Ms. Ronit is not stupid, how would she post a question on the other side of quiz, and that is the answer for a short answer question? I do not know what Jay was thinking about at that time, he was really doing a first grade student's job-- which find the answers that shows in another question-- maybe it is even easier that a first grade's work!
    Jay is a smart guy, but sometimes it is hard to realized he made that kind of mistake. I laugh and laugh for like about 10 minutes. He is a very funny guy-- he tells jokes a lot and always make our "asian group" laughs. Anyway, I hope next time he won't do such thing any more because that is 2 points, which really effect his grade-- actually, if he got that question, he would got an A, not a B. At the end, the answer for that question which Jay miss the points on is " Reflex Arc." Sophmore, study hard for your chapter exam next Monday!

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  1. I responded to this:
