Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Tiffany Cao "Annie's speech."

   What a good night! After having the Silence Auction night, I went home as fast as I could because I did not do any of my blog post, and if the Freshman did not  remind me, I might probably forgot. Anyway, I have the same feeling as Tiffany does-- I really like Annie's speech. I found this in Tiffany's blog post:
Tonight the silent auction was a success. I had to sing first, but it ended well; better than last year. The flashbacks begin... Anyway, after the auction had concluded, Annie Mae Young made a speech about thanking her mother. It was really touching and I remember seeing her being really concentrated in the cafeteria, trying to write a last minute, yet thoughtful speech. When I heard her speech, I really wanted to cry. I wish I had that strength and ability to write a speech just for my mom. My mom sacrificed so much for my family. She went on BOATS just to get to America. Of course with my dad, he did his best to protect us no matter what. Anyway, I wish I had the ability to become like Annie.
  Annie's speech is the last show in the performance. As a performer, I think the greatest show is her speech. Really, she gets the highest claps in the live. Annie talks about how her mother comtributed a lot to this silence Auction night-- she already plannd it from last year, Silence Auction Night. Annie really gave a good speech, not just she is so proud and thankful to her mother-- while everyone is enjoying the show, who will realize the last show is a thankful letter? However, just because it is special, everyone was listening to her, and claps for her!
   Really, after the moment I listen to Annie's speech, I feel so bad of myself because my mom helps me a lot in my performance and I did not say "Thank you" to her! I feel guilty and regret, and I just want to do it at that moment! Right, even Annie could say "thanks" to her mom in front of 150 people, why couldn't I? At that moment, I did it! I said "Thanks" to my mom-- my mom put so much time on me, and scarify a lot of things, "thank you" is the only sentence I could say to her.
   Thank you Annie, you make me do the thing I did not do before. Thank s everyone who is in the Silence Auction night today. I hope you guy have enjoyed the show! (How many of you like the ending of the piano show? Haha)

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