Saturday, December 11, 2010

Second Discussion

        Haha, this is Peter Chen. My group just had a wonderful discussion this week about the second part of "warriors don't cry."  In the discussion, we kind of clarify about the story happen in the second part of the book. Just like last time, Gina had related a lot to the historical events which effect the book just like last time. And other three of us were talking how we think the story.  
       Me, I kind of having some confusing and Misunderstood of the second part of this book. The second part of this book is talking about how Melba's new high school life is. Because people in Central High are very racist to black people, so that Melba gets in many troubles with many white students-- In P.E, some white people  trap Melba and they did not even come help-- they keep kicking Melba and laugh at her. I feel like I am so mad at those white folks and also feel pity for Melba. I also think Melba has a good personality because she did not tell her family at the first place-- she just hides it, and wait until her mom does not feel mad any more.
      We also talk about the historical events. Gina relates a lot to the slavery act which I think she could be a very good History teacher and she knows a lot of stuff. Jasiu and Ronny were asking questions about how we think about different parts of the book. We speak out our opinions and continue doing a good job in the discussion and it always helps us identify different knowledge and points of the book.
      Hope you guy have your beautiful Sunday!

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