Friday, December 17, 2010

Third Discussion for "Warriors don't cry"

     Chrismas Break! Yeah!
     Today in Mr. Sutherland's final, we have our final discussion in "Warrior don't cry." It was a pretty good ending of the last class this semester in Sutherland's room. As usual, we did not really focus on the story of the book, we talk a lot of "outside" stuff that is relating to the events in this book. I am so excited to read the next book.
     Anyway, let's get back to the discussion. Ronny and Gina brought up the special question: what do you guy think about the different between the racism in the past, and the racism right now? Because in  this book, Melba went to Central High school, and all white students treated black students very badly-- they called the black students "Nigger" all the times, and they always say bad words to Melba. For Melba, her grandma India told her just be patient whenever someone is treating her badly, and this is how Melba got over in that horrible school for 3 years. My opinion to that question is that: there were less black people worked in the society, and also because of the slavery, white people in Central High thought that black people are evil even though they did not do something bad. This is why Melba always thinks that it is so unfair to her, but she couldn't do everything to it. Back to today, most of the white people gave respectful to black people in few ways: First, the technology gets improve, and we all know that we need cooperate because we live in the same world--and that establish a less "racist" society. We also went into some deeply questions in the book. Jasiu asked that do we think Melba made a good choice of going to Central High, and I said yeah. No matter how she struggle in that High School, I still think it is a good personal experience in Melba's life. One of the reasons is that she could get her ways to school and graduate out of the school. This express her how to deal with white people later on her life.
      Have a nice Winter Break!

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