Saturday, December 18, 2010

Response post to ReGina More

   Gina is my groupmate for reading the book, "Warriors don't cry", and I found this quote from Gina's book post:
Many Blacks during this time felt that they didn't deserve to integrate because they belonged in their community, with their own people, and the shabby schools. They feel like they have come as far as they possibly can as a race and have achieved the most that they can. They do not want to strive for more because they have been made to feel inferior for so long that some started to believe it. Throughout history many Black people internalized the racism that was inflicted upon them. It reminded me of the story of Uncle Tom that made a slave feel that all he could be in life was a slave and that it was his obligation to be a slave to his master and it is saddening how throughout history this happens.
   This is how Gina's discussion is-- she always talks about outside of the book, such as the historical events. She could always bring up something that is relating to this book. (I bet she is hela good at Fargher's class) Anyway, her first two sentences were what she said in the discussion. During that period, the descrimination that white people have on Black people is very effected to the black students such as Melba who is in Central High. The white students in Central High always called the black students "Nigger" and always try to beat them up. So, like what Gina has mentioned, the gap between the whites and the blacks is very huge during that period.
   Like what Gina said, because the blacks get adaption to feel inferior to the whites, so that Melba's family alwats asks her to stay in patient which helps her not making troubles for many times. This is what her Grandma India had taught her. And yeah, the good thing, today, people already stops hating and racist which makes this society more healthy.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Third Discussion for "Warriors don't cry"

     Chrismas Break! Yeah!
     Today in Mr. Sutherland's final, we have our final discussion in "Warrior don't cry." It was a pretty good ending of the last class this semester in Sutherland's room. As usual, we did not really focus on the story of the book, we talk a lot of "outside" stuff that is relating to the events in this book. I am so excited to read the next book.
     Anyway, let's get back to the discussion. Ronny and Gina brought up the special question: what do you guy think about the different between the racism in the past, and the racism right now? Because in  this book, Melba went to Central High school, and all white students treated black students very badly-- they called the black students "Nigger" all the times, and they always say bad words to Melba. For Melba, her grandma India told her just be patient whenever someone is treating her badly, and this is how Melba got over in that horrible school for 3 years. My opinion to that question is that: there were less black people worked in the society, and also because of the slavery, white people in Central High thought that black people are evil even though they did not do something bad. This is why Melba always thinks that it is so unfair to her, but she couldn't do everything to it. Back to today, most of the white people gave respectful to black people in few ways: First, the technology gets improve, and we all know that we need cooperate because we live in the same world--and that establish a less "racist" society. We also went into some deeply questions in the book. Jasiu asked that do we think Melba made a good choice of going to Central High, and I said yeah. No matter how she struggle in that High School, I still think it is a good personal experience in Melba's life. One of the reasons is that she could get her ways to school and graduate out of the school. This express her how to deal with white people later on her life.
      Have a nice Winter Break!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response Post to Amber Chan

   OMG! After finishing my second discussion post, I keep finding an essay to read in order to do my response post with my tire eyes. I find this from Amber Chan's post:
I need you to go away
I need you to disappear
I need you to leave
I need you to vanish

I'm sick of crying
I'm sick of screaming
I'm sick of this all
Because you know what?
I don't want to know you
I don't want to be with you
I don't want to see you
I don't want to hear your name

So go away,

    I really like this pattern in Amber Chan's poem. "I need you to..." "I am sick of..." "I don't want to..." I could feel a strong emotional in thses words. Actually, I don't know what happen to her that makes her feel so mad at someone and wants someone to disappear. I guess she might just some arguing with her brother or sister. I hope she could fastly solve this problem.
   Anyway, I like how every word in her poem is not useless and everyone is valuable and usually has a reflection. From her poem, I recall my childhood-- when I was little, I always arguing with my little brother and he was lose which make me feel proud, and most the time, he cried. Right now, I just feel how bad the way I did to my brother. I feel regret and guilty. Sometimes when people get mad, they could do a lot of mean stuff; but after they calm  down, they would feel shameful of what they did. This poem makes me want to apologize to my brother.
   However, I think she might add a short paragraph of what happen. One reason is that the audiences wouldn't know what happen to her even though they really want to know. The second reason is that I feel like adding a short paragraph of what happen would make the emotional of this poem becomes stronger. But, she is really doing a great job on this one, and I really like it.

Second Discussion

        Haha, this is Peter Chen. My group just had a wonderful discussion this week about the second part of "warriors don't cry."  In the discussion, we kind of clarify about the story happen in the second part of the book. Just like last time, Gina had related a lot to the historical events which effect the book just like last time. And other three of us were talking how we think the story.  
       Me, I kind of having some confusing and Misunderstood of the second part of this book. The second part of this book is talking about how Melba's new high school life is. Because people in Central High are very racist to black people, so that Melba gets in many troubles with many white students-- In P.E, some white people  trap Melba and they did not even come help-- they keep kicking Melba and laugh at her. I feel like I am so mad at those white folks and also feel pity for Melba. I also think Melba has a good personality because she did not tell her family at the first place-- she just hides it, and wait until her mom does not feel mad any more.
      We also talk about the historical events. Gina relates a lot to the slavery act which I think she could be a very good History teacher and she knows a lot of stuff. Jasiu and Ronny were asking questions about how we think about different parts of the book. We speak out our opinions and continue doing a good job in the discussion and it always helps us identify different knowledge and points of the book.
      Hope you guy have your beautiful Sunday!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Tiffany Cao "Annie's speech."

   What a good night! After having the Silence Auction night, I went home as fast as I could because I did not do any of my blog post, and if the Freshman did not  remind me, I might probably forgot. Anyway, I have the same feeling as Tiffany does-- I really like Annie's speech. I found this in Tiffany's blog post:
Tonight the silent auction was a success. I had to sing first, but it ended well; better than last year. The flashbacks begin... Anyway, after the auction had concluded, Annie Mae Young made a speech about thanking her mother. It was really touching and I remember seeing her being really concentrated in the cafeteria, trying to write a last minute, yet thoughtful speech. When I heard her speech, I really wanted to cry. I wish I had that strength and ability to write a speech just for my mom. My mom sacrificed so much for my family. She went on BOATS just to get to America. Of course with my dad, he did his best to protect us no matter what. Anyway, I wish I had the ability to become like Annie.
  Annie's speech is the last show in the performance. As a performer, I think the greatest show is her speech. Really, she gets the highest claps in the live. Annie talks about how her mother comtributed a lot to this silence Auction night-- she already plannd it from last year, Silence Auction Night. Annie really gave a good speech, not just she is so proud and thankful to her mother-- while everyone is enjoying the show, who will realize the last show is a thankful letter? However, just because it is special, everyone was listening to her, and claps for her!
   Really, after the moment I listen to Annie's speech, I feel so bad of myself because my mom helps me a lot in my performance and I did not say "Thank you" to her! I feel guilty and regret, and I just want to do it at that moment! Right, even Annie could say "thanks" to her mom in front of 150 people, why couldn't I? At that moment, I did it! I said "Thanks" to my mom-- my mom put so much time on me, and scarify a lot of things, "thank you" is the only sentence I could say to her.
   Thank you Annie, you make me do the thing I did not do before. Thank s everyone who is in the Silence Auction night today. I hope you guy have enjoyed the show! (How many of you like the ending of the piano show? Haha)

Warriors don't cry

   In Friday discussion, the book our group had discussed is " Warriors don't cry." So far, I pretty likes this book-- In my opinion, this book is better than " How the Garcia Lost their Accent's." Not just because the " Warriors" has the easier words to read, and also the story is more interesting. Basically, in the discussion we had yesterday, we taught a lot about the context and the history of the book.
   Gina taught a lot of the history about the book, and she also put the knowledge that she learned in Fangher's room together. She explained how the main character, Melba, how her family is so afraid of white folks and her grandma always asks her leaves the whites alone. Gina said that because her grandma is a very religious woman, so she always tell Melba to wait for the helps from the god.
   Ronny and Jasiu were talking the story very deeply. Even though Jasiu got the book very late, but I feel like he still has things to talk about and very deep. First of all, both of them were talking what they feel the book , and the way they were arguing to each other. I don't really remember what they were talking about, so I just skip it.
   For me, although I did not talk so much, but I think I learn so much in the discussion. I ask two questions about the religious that Melba is in, and how is that impact her life. Also, I response to Gina's question, I said that because the slavery in Amercia history had a very big impact, this make the family feel afraid of the whites. Meanwhile, I said that Melba's grandma always asks her to wait for god's helps and do nothing. She also reminds Melba leave the whites away as always. This is what we have been discussed yesterday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Garcia Girls Essay

After spending a long period of time to finish this book, the Garcia girls, I am so glad because this book is really hard for me to read. One of the reasons why  is that there are a lot of Spanish words in this book which I do not really understand. The second reason is that this book's order is from present to past. It is unique and this is my first time to read this kind of book.
Anyway, the thing is: I finally finished this book! The author of this book a lot of many figurative language and critical thinking which makes this book more perfect in the way Mr. Sutherland said so. I think the the author's purpose is to record down anything that happened to the Garcia girls during their childhood and adult hood. It is fantastic and awesome. And also she wrote very deep in the way that those girls’ English is getting better and just began to forget their first language.
I have same experience as the middle part of the book—the part the four girls are immigrant to the America, and know very little English. For me, I was immigranted to America three years age, and at the first year, I could not even understand what the people around me were saying. Those feelings really scared me, but also forced me to learn more English. I am glad that someone has the same feeling I had before, and that makes me begin to love this book.
There are three parts of this book, in my opinion, the worst part is the third part, then the second, and the first. I don’t know why, maybe just because I know what is going to happen, and bring this kind of answers to read the next part of the book. I think the third part is worse because it is confusing, and boring. It does not really express many things to me. The second part is at the middle, because it records many things happen in the college: sex, betray, and discrimination. These leads me feel more interested about my college life next year—these can also be tips for me. I think the first part is the best, not just a lot of important things happen—but my favorite part is the part was when the four girls were coming back to their dad’s birthday. That is really a family—for their dad’s seventy year-old party, the whole family have a very wonderful time which they lost it for a long period—The happy moments in their childhood with their dad, but anything changes in their college period and their relationship gets worse. Such like the structure of “Family”—“Father And Mother I Love You”--Take every first letter out, and combi This part of the book teaches me a lot that how important a family is, and right now I should just say “thanks” to my parents.
I really hope the next book I am going to read, “Worriers don’t cry” could be a meaningful book just like this one. Although the book “Garcia Girls” is confusing, but I actually like its story and how it expresses things so deeply. The most important thing I have learned is the family part-- Getting peaces and happiness aren't easy between the family, but that is also why we need to built up our relationships into our family.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last Part of the Garcia Girl

    Finally we FINISH the book! OMG, to me this book is harder to read more than " The House On Mango street" just because this book has so Spanish Words without English Definition. Anyway, I still finish reading this book and Yeah!
    In the class discussion today, our group kind of discuss which part of the book we like the most. For me, I think the second part is the best, and then the first part, last is the last part. I do not know why, I feel more interesting on how those Garcia Girls' teenager period look like even though there is a lot of sex in it. I sort of like the first part about how the girls help celebrate the old man's 70 years old birthday, and I just learned a lesson by that section: When our parents are getting old, and old enough someday, they want the family to be together more than anything else. To them, they rather to see their sons or daughters, grand-children more than anything they want. I dislike the last part of the book because not only I already know what happen next, there are a lot of boring staff of how they first attend to the America and know nothing about this country.
    All in all, I give a lot of hopes to the next book we read for next month, and not to get a confusing book like this one. However, I just realize a big point of this book in the class discussion-- the first page of the third section is the beginning of the story, and the last page of the first section is the ending of this book. This order is unique which this is my first time to read book like this. My opinion to it is that it is boring if you know what happen next but read the "present tense" story. Just like watching the movie, if you know what is the ending about, would you watch the whole movie again? Obviously, No! This is what happen to me in reading this book. Oh, thanks God! I finally finish this book!
    Anyway, this book isn't that bad like the way I am describing. Although it is confusing, but the story is cool and interested. The most important thing is that at least this book is not the worst one I read!-- "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. That book is really confusing and no grammar or Word orders at all. [Maybe this is the book's special point, but anyway, hopefully the next book will give me more surprises!]

Friday, November 12, 2010

Response Posts to John Hamilton

     Today, many of my friends said the same thing as John's free write did:
when we had got to the farmers market every thing changed. once i saw all the stands filled with veggies and fruit i was truly amazed. i had only been to the farmers market once before and that was in middle school. this time it was a little different because i had to ask the farmers questions. now i did not really want to do so but i did and i heard about some fruits that never came up in my mind. i saw veggies that i never see at the super market. its a lot better tasting food at the farmers market and i would like to go back. i am just glad we got to go on a Field trip there. it was really cool.
   On Tuesday, all the sophmores went to the farmers market and we all have a wonderful day. Same as John, I saw food or fruits which I never see it before. The most special fruit I saw is the green potato, which costs more expensive than the red potatoes. I think that is also what John has mentioned that there are many new things are so new to us. I also bought a lot of strawberries to eat.
   For lunch, I bought a quarter chicken, and a pack of popcorn. The food in the farmer market is very expensive, but most of it is delicious and  I think the food right there is probably clean. I like the chicken-- it was even better than Cosco's roasting chicken,  and it was not that expensive though. It was fresh, rich, and Yummy-- I will get it again if I have a chance to go next time.
    Ms. Corbally also gave us few questions to answer, and all of us probably tried to ask the people as much as we could. Also, like the people said, we really have a wonderful day to the farmer market, and we all learned staff in the farmer market. After that, we went back to school as well for the next period. Farmer Market is fun!

Blog Post-- the structure of "family"

    I recall to my first English class in China when I was still fifth grade student. Because for us English is a foreign language, so that I always feel boring in that class. Anyway, the most meaningful lesson I have learned thought that year, is the structure of the word "family". I learned something that is cool about this word-- if you actually break out the letters of this word, it would be " F A M I L Y", and each letter represents one word, do you know? Any guesses? Right, they are : Father And Mother I Love You.  At that moment, I really felt the how special English is-- for this one, it is deeper in some Chinese and I will forever remember this one.
   It would be nothing if the word "family" does mean anything about parents and their child. For the family, the parents would spent their cares on their child, and that makes the child feel that their parents are the kindest people to them. I feel lucky that my parents are absolutely love me, and care of me. However, there are many children in this world lose their family and they get no love by nobody. Or by some causes, such like car accidents, take over their parents' lives. Therefore, I feel lucky that I have my family love.
   If I were sick, my parents would take me to the hospital immediately; but for the ones who did not have their parents to care about them, they are really lonely and have less helps. I am glad that I born in a Chinese family and I am the oldest one; I am glad that I have my parents just like normal, and always put me at the first place. A family does not only make by two people, the child would become the third one, and also the most important one in the family. And this is my new opinion and definition for "Family".
   I hope all of you will have a great weekend with your FAMILY.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog post for Garcia girl second part

     Hahn, it is Tuesday and as usual it is the date we post the blog for the Garcia girls. As we all know the book's order, it is from present to the past. This is the first book I read that is in this kind if order. Anyway, let me talk more about the details in this book of section 2.
     Everyone has their own secrets, and keep a secret secretly, could always make things beautiful. At the almost end of the section 2, one of the rich family members took Sandi to their party with the Garcia girls. Then something happen to Sandi's father who is a doctor. There is a drug woman who drinks alcohol and Lost her control and kiss the Garcia's father's face. Sandi saw what exactly happen at that moment. I wonder why their father would not refuse that woman or just push her away. And today in the class discussion, my group mates said that their father does not want Sandi says it out because he afraid to get troubles from others who are in the party. The Garcia's father is just a doctor, but most of the people in the party have money, authority, and get respects from the society. If the father gets trouble by one, there would be more than ones who are going to make problems to the doctor.
    For me, I do not think that is the only reason-- Maybe their father wants to keep it secret so that his wife would not know it. It is easy to image what happen if his wife, whichGarcia's mom knew it, the family might be breaking down. Although the doctor does not want the drug woman kiss him, but he cannot do anything with it. Would his wife believe him? I cannot tell because I am not his wife, but I could tell it surely would make problems to their family if their mother knows a woman kiss her husband.
    For Sandi, to keep the doctor's secret not only is supporting his job, it also help fixing their family relationships. Therefore I learn that sometimes to keep a meaningful secret does decrease many hates in this world.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Andy Lau "Alameda High"

   Today, I read Andy Lau's blog and write a response to it, "Alameda High":
I also wish to attend Alameda High because they have a bigger population. At ASTI, I see the same people every day and we all have like the exact same classes. In the beginning of freshman year I thought it was fine, but now it has become really dull and boring. When I was in middle school, my school had a big population. Every class would be with different students. With my experiences from attending big and small schools, I can conclude that I like bigger schools because you see a variety of students in different classes instead of the same students in different classes.
   I think Andy and me both came from Lincoln middle school, which both of us had experienced in a large public school, and a smaller private school. With my experiences, I  have a strong feeling that
 agree with Andy-- In public school, students could know more people than in the privacy school, and their friendships would be increase a lot. Like in ASTI, I have almost the same classmates every period, but in Lincoln, I have different ones every period-- maybe this is also a new experience for me, I mean, I have a  special feeling for it.
    For me, the address of my house could eventually lead me to Alameda High; The reason I did not choose Alameda High was that I think ASTI has a better education. More people in a school does not mean that the school is the best--the more people in a school, the more percentages for bad students go to the school. Anyway, for me, I like a less-students school better( which is ASTI).
   However, a smaller school also has its Merritt-- that is why we could have Bonding Day! Think about Alameda High-- how could a large school have that kind of big of activity. Because of that, this kind of activity force the students getting alone and know each other more. And this is ASTI-- which the merrits it has, Alameda High does not.

Free write"jay's quiz"

     I have the funnest joke I hear in this semester! This joke actually shows in Jay Pan's quiz. I laugh for 5 minutes-- I could not stop myself! Today in Ronit's class, we were reviewing our quizzes in order to prepare for our chapter exam nextweek. We went through all three sections very deeply, and at quiz 3.1, which is about the schwann cells and axon potentials. The basic function of the axon potentials is to transport the neurotransmitters from the denrite to the axon terminal in order to sent impulses to the brain or the the muscle.
     That is the basic of what the action potential does. On the quiz, there is one big section of filling the balances. This is a section which Ms. Ronit gave us a whole paragraph, and she left some balances for us to complete the whole process of the Action poential. Above the whole paragraph, Ms. Ronit put " The story of a Nerve Impulse" which describes how the whole procce that the neurontransmitters sent to the axon terminal. All in all, the full procce is talking about how the nerve impulses sent to the brains like when we touch, and feel the temprature of something, the impulses would sent to the brain in order to tell you move away your hands from something is damaging you. However, at the 4th side of the quiz, there is a short-answer question which asks: what is the name or tittle for that figgure? Jay Pan, the funnest sophmore I have ever seen, he wrote: The story of a Nerve Impulse"-- he was just copying the third page of the figgure for the fill in balance question, and the tittle is nothing to the question for the short answer! I mean, Ms. Ronit is not stupid, how would she post a question on the other side of quiz, and that is the answer for a short answer question? I do not know what Jay was thinking about at that time, he was really doing a first grade student's job-- which find the answers that shows in another question-- maybe it is even easier that a first grade's work!
    Jay is a smart guy, but sometimes it is hard to realized he made that kind of mistake. I laugh and laugh for like about 10 minutes. He is a very funny guy-- he tells jokes a lot and always make our "asian group" laughs. Anyway, I hope next time he won't do such thing any more because that is 2 points, which really effect his grade-- actually, if he got that question, he would got an A, not a B. At the end, the answer for that question which Jay miss the points on is " Reflex Arc." Sophmore, study hard for your chapter exam next Monday!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The first part of the Gacia Girls

    After spending one week to read the first part of the Garcia Girls, and as a class, we have a big discussion about the annotations. As everyone is saying that the book is too confusing. Right, somewhere in the book shows a lot misunderstands and confusions in Spanish; especially the relationships and emotional each girl has, they really drive me crazy. This book's orders are divided into three parts-- from the present to the past, from the past to the past which is more early. In the discussion today, our group kind of talk about how the three different personality the four sisters have changed, and we kind of concentrate onto Yolanda. First of all, we talk about how Yolanda get crazy. We were sort of saying Yolanda feels she is getting crazy which she could not control herself sometimes as well. We said that the most reason is that she keeps  having problems that deal with her boyfriends, and she gets crazy because of the sexist. By the way, this is a book which has many sexist stuff. Another important thing that we most focus on is the part which Yolanda's boy friend is writing some porn in his class. I was asking this question as the annotation: Did he ever think about Yolanda's feeling before he starts to write the porn to the class as Yolanda's boy friend? My seatmates had no answers that could response. But for myself, I think her boyfriend did that just because he wants to make Yolanda's friends feel shame of Yolanda and Yolanda begins to hate him. I do not know about the specific reasons why he would do this just because this book is so confusing. So far so good, I think this book is sort of confusing us because it starts at the present, and going back to recall the stuff happens to those girls. My goal for next part of the book is to fully understand what cause or what make the four girls change their personality based by their experiences.

Friday, October 29, 2010


  After the first busy quarter and with a million of blog posts, I have taken a way to show the efforts improvements between every blog posts and I feel the more posts I have, the more new writing skills  I learn, which would lead me to success. Also, I noticed that the more blogs I write, the more favorite post I have. Really, I sometimes feel surprised of what I wrote. I never thought that I could write such thoughtful blog by just looking at a picture. Also, since the first time I wrote my blog, I cannot image what to write about. I struggle with the topic and the thesis statement, and I still remember that was the one I wrote in the summer homework. I wasn't having a clear idea of what to write. This makes my blog posts "Just kidding and Ganging up" become kind of board:
When I was eighth grade in Lincoln Middle School,(and that is also my first year to have U.S education) I saw many times that people bully others.I did not help the one who gets bully on, how could you help a guy that is against to few people? Authority? Power? Evidence? No! None of them above I had. I just know do not make others feel bad or mad, do the way I think it should be.'
   I am not saying that I think this is my worst one, but I am just like it is less meaningful and unclear. To my honest, my English really gets worse at the period I went back to China and spoke Chinese for a whole summer. I just translate every sentence in my head from Chinese into English, which always not making sense. I knew I still got a lot of things to deal with, especially my writing-- I need a bunch of vocabularies, because I always being wordless in adjective. I know what are my weak points, and I started to work on those problems.
   After a million of blog posts, I finally see my improvements even though it is not that obvious. One Friday, I listend to a Chinese popular singer, whose name is Jay Chou, and his song's name is " Superman can't fly." and I really felt in  love of the song's lyrics. Therefore, I wrote a blog about the lyrics, and I put the same name for the  my feelings to it.
Flying is the basic thing that a superman should have(how could a  superman quits without flying skill when he gets kick ass?For sure, no one deducts his power, he just, can't fly!). Whatsoever, this kind of superman is weak at his powers.
   In this piece of blog post, I really just make it up by listning that song once. The story of the lyris is describing the life of a superman who cannot fly, but still help people. The basic and obvious improvement is that I could put a new vocablary into my sentence, and make a comapare and comtrast on the one who can fly, and another one which cannot fly. Everytime I start a new blog, there are always something that I struggle with the diction, and syntax. I am working very hard on them, and there is one blog post shows my hard efforts and thoughtful intelligence, which its name is Elizabeth quick write:
In the letter Mr. Stephy wrote that "We are glad to have this kind of brave soldier, and we all know that he has done a lot to our battle; unfortunately, we have to tell you that he got killed in the battle and we feel sorry for you....." Kelly did not read the rest of the letter, or her mind just stops her to read. She did not know what to do, she was just standing there--she does not know what to do in the future-- there are 3 more months for her to give born to their child. What will her child and her could do? She began to cry and cry. After like half an hour, she just noticed that the letter was all wet with her tears. Her both hands are trembled! She blesses and blesses every single day and hopes that her husband will be peace and safe. However, the worst thing just happened to her which she never want it happened--her husband die! She just keeps crying and crying-- what else could she do?
    Then she takes a knife and stucks into her own body--BOTH of her child and herself die!
    There is a secret that this woman would never know! There is a line that is in red ink clearly shows at the bottom-- HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY! And the signature is her husband's name.
   I like the end of the story, how it turns the audiences' emotional into sadness from happiness. I feel surprised too-- I did not expect my self to think thank kind of surprising ending. I was just looking at the picture for 10 minutes, and already make up a unique story. Therefore, not only my writing skills have improved-- my critical thinking has improved,too.
   What a busy dates we have done, and I believe I will work better in the following quarter. My goal for the second quarter is to write a page in a quick write, and try to do my best to remember the vocabulary in the vocabularies list. At the end, could you guess what number of promts I am writing?--------No.1!

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Night" Essay

   In Night by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer is a survivor who involve into the World War Two; and he has been in Birkenau, Auschwitz, and Buna during the war. During that time, the people who are around him blessed and hoped to the God. Eliezer begins to experience comflict when the Germans take him to the concentration camp and lead to the loss of faith in god.
   At the beginning of the book, Eliezer is a very religious person who really faith in his god. Eliezer is one of the Jewish people whose religious makes them very optimstic. To his family, they belived and faith in god more than every others do. "why did I pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?"[P2] This quote shows 100 percents that Eliezer is a religious person. He thinks everything he gets is made from god and god gives him his lfe. In this kind of terrible war, everyone reliance on god as someone that they could talk and bless.  This also shows an emotional of how the people thought.
   During the war, Eliezer got confuse in faithing his god. Although he blessed and "talk" a  lot to his god, his situation did not really turn better. From the time German took him to the concentratin cam, he begins to lose his faith in god, "Some talked of God , of his mysterious ways, of his mysterious ways, fo the sins of the Jewish people, and of their future deliverance."[p42] This quote shows that not only Eliezer, the majority of Jewish people all began to suspect their god and having a conflict with god. They bless and bless and try to get some help from the god, but nothing happens to them-- or even the situation gets worse. It really hurt the waker people's feeling-- they hope for the peace in this world, but the last chance-- the god did not do anything for them.
   At the very end of the Jewish year, Eliezer was having a pearty with his survivor friends. When the night comes, Eliezer was talking to himself, " what are you, my god. Compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to you their faith, their anger, their revolt?"[P63] Dissapointment is what Eliezer think about his god. Although they were having revolutions for the their peace, but nothig is happnig so good for them. His conflicts began to lose of his faith to his god. In the war, people are too rely on the god, and right now, Eliezer thinks that it is hard to faith in his god and he just loses everything by his god. "Where is God now? And I heard a voice within me answer his: where is he? Here he is -- he is hanging here on his gollows..."[P62] What a sad emotion that Eliezer has. He is already, 100 percents lose his faith in god! Afetr anything happend to Eliezer, and at the end, he just gives up his God. He thinks he has nothing to trust again. From the time the Frence took him to the concentration camp, he started to lose his faith in God, because he got no helps. Espectially in this kind of war, it would be very blind and darkness if someone just loses the last thing to believe or the last thing to fight for it.
    In conclusion, I  learn a lot by this book. And it is more clear after listening to Ms. Ronit's family history. There were really many people who get killed in the war. Not so much except the personality and comflicts that Eliezer had during the war. After all, peace finally comes to the world, and I hoped Eliezer would feel better and the peace would make him gets his hopes back.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Response to Andy Lau

Today, as usual, the last day to post the blog, and I found a interesting quote from Andy Lau's blog:
Guess what? You probably will not believe this, but my worst subject in school is math! Yes, I know, surprising much? We all know the typical stereotype: "Asians are good at math." Well, I think I just proved this stereotype wrong.

Math use to be my strongest subject at school. All the way, up into, let me say, eight grade. I use to get straight A's in math. However towards the end of the eighth grade, the B's started to hit. Then in ninth grade, where I started Algebra 2, I got A's the first semester and dipped into B's the second semester. Now, as a sophomore taking Pre-Calculus, I have been getting C's and D's on tests making my overall grade a C. This is the only class that I am struggling in.

    As an Asian, I really have been in Andy Lau's situation. People in the United States always say that "Asian are good at math". I agree with Andy which I could prove it wrong. No one is perfect, and Asians, too. There are many Asians are not really good at math in this world, are they stupid? NO! When the math levels get harder and harder every year, there is some people feel hard to do the math problems just like Andy. He was good at math since he was in Middle school, but gets worse every year with raising the level of the math.
   For sure, there are some of the Asians are smart, but why? Is it gifted?  I don't think so. There are no one was born with some super mathematical skill. For me, I think some Asian students could just think and understand a lesson in a easy way which helps them to remember Adequately. No one is perfect when  they were born, people could not get a good grade without spenting hard work.
   Humanity is improving everyday. For some smart Asians, there will be always something for them are complicate and unsolvable. This is why this society needs teachers. I think spending hard work and times are very neccessary to do well in math. And last, to Andy, I think "do the best you can" is only suggestion I give to him.


    OMG! I was sick for the whole week! From Monday to Thrusday, I kept having fever and I was DYING! My sore throat, and I was having a big cold! I ate and ate the medicine and right now I am not still feeling good. Recalling to those days in the hospital, it is so painful for me to be "alive".
    First Day[Monday], I began to feel no good-- It started at Saturday, I was just having a little sore throat problem. On Monday, I began to feel like throwing out after Fargher's class, but I did not. Dizzy came to me when I was in McCoy's class[Did the math problems just make me dizzy?] My mom brought me to a hospital and see a doctor. The doctor told me that it was just sore throat, and I just need a rest and that is it. I could not  believe that he did not gave any medicines to me which was weird and not help me at all. I went home and have a big sleep. Until nine, I wake up and ate dinner. At that monment, I really felt better than in school; and then I did my homework for two hours and went to sleep again.
   Second Day[Tuesday], at the midnight, I was "dying"-- I was having a high fever-- My body was burning and burning. I was having a headache, my brain stoped working, my eyes were burning. I felt cold, really cold, not the way that the temperature is "cold", either the sickness "cold"--  I cannot use a word for it, I was just dying! My mom quickly got some fever medicines from the first floor, and then I was just taking 2 quilts to sleep.
  Third Day[Wednesay], I thought I was feeling better and ready to go to school, but I was wrong. When I was almost arrived ASTI, I just felt like throwing out, and I just got a bag and threw into it. At that monment I just knew that I was still sick and cannot go to school.  And , later on, at 10, My mom broght me to the hospital again, and these time, I saw the same doctor and he still not gave me any medicines-- he checked out my throat with some medical stick, and he told me was "Negative" which it was not virus, and I just need a big rest and wait for my body to produce antibiotics to fight to it. I knew he would say that! I told him I want some medicines, but he said that in my situations, I could not be reliance too much on the medicines becuase my body will fix that slowly. I really dislike his word "slowly"-- it already took me 4 days to stay home and sleep and sleep. In China, those doctors gave medicines to the illness people; but in United States, I did not know that doctors doesn't usually give medicines because they always have side effects.
   From Thursday, to Friday which is today, I felt better, which took me a long week to have a big rest. Hum, I hate to be sick and this will never happen again, never!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Response to "Elizabeth" by Alex Tang

   After I finish my own story of the woman who received a letter, I found a quote from Alex Tang's blog:
She cried and cried for hours. She could not believe that he was gone. She had loved him for so long and so much. The pain was indescribable. She locked herself in her room. It was as if her heart was hit with the force of 10,00 fists. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces. She could no longer take it. Her pain and sorrow was too much for her. She got up and jumped out the window.
  I like this paragraph because Alex wrote the same ending for this picture as mine-- the woman died. Both of our paragraph talk about that her husband got killed in the war and the lady is just unstoppable crying and crying. Alex describes the Elizabeth's emotion very clearly and specific. In Alex's vision, Elizabeth jumps out and die; In my vision, she just kills herself with the knife.
  I like the part where he said "It was as if her heart was hit with the force of 10,00 fists. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces. Her pain and sorrow was too much for her." These three sentences clearly show how sadness Elizabeth was. I especially how he described her heart was shattered into million pieces, because this express Elizabeth was sadness without any minds. Her heart was broke down and could not fix it back because her husband was already died. Also, I saw a transition in these sentences--they expressed that Elizabeth would kill herself soon.
   What I think the reasons why everyone was thinking about a sadness ending are because the color in the picture are very dark. I am sure that for everyone was hard to see Elizabeth's face in a small screen, so people feel she is sad and crying after reading the letter. Anyway, I see how the artist who drew this picture with skillfulness. I also like how the artist drew the Shadow very specific-- the mirror and the bed, they are such real for me. I would rather to have see more drawings that this artist drew.

Quick Write

    This Thursday, I saw a interesting picture in Mr. Sutherland's class. The picture shows that there is a woman stands next to a window and reading a letter. The room is shadowing, and we do not know the letter is about what kinds of stuff. The time I think is at the afternoon near 5. There is a bed and a closet located where she is standing and reading. She looks sadness, or maybe she is crying already we just cannot see it.
   What I think about the story is that the woman's name is Kelly. Kelly received a letter from a minister whose name is Stephy. Mr. Stephy was telling her a bad news about her husband-- Her husband was going for the World War Two three years ago. During this period, her husband sends a letter every week and tells Kelly about his situation, and he always tells her "I will be back to you soon" at the end of the letter. Kelly keeps receiving the letter from him every week, until last month. At first, she thought that perhaps her husband was too busy and being timeless to write a letter to her. This changes her mind until the last second she read this letter.
   In the letter Mr. Stephy wrote that "We are glad to have this kind of brave soldier, and we all know that he has done a lot to our battle; unfortunately, we have to tell you that he got killed in the battle and we feel sorry for you....." Kelly did not read the rest of the letter, or her mind just stops her to read. She did not know what to do, she was just standing there--she does not know what to do in the future-- there are 3 more months for her to give born to their child. What will her child and her could do? She began to cry and cry. After like half an hour, she just noticed that the letter was all wet with her tears. Her both hands are trembled! She blesses and blesses every single day and hopes that her husband will be peace and safe. However, the worst thing just happened to her which she never want it happened--her husband die! She just keeps crying and crying-- what else could she do?
    Then she takes a knife and stucks into her own body--BOTH of her child and herself die!
    There is a secret that this woman would never know! There is a line that is in red ink clearly shows at the bottom-- HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY! And the signature is her husband's name.
     I do not think people could joke on this aspect of topic--die because if someone die, it will really make his or her relatives feel sad. Too many jokes is not a joke--Just like the story is showing above-- the husband just "killed" his wife for no reasons by a JOKE!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essay "Dinosaurs"

   In "the Dinosaurs" by Italo Calvino, the most important character trait which Q displays is shamefulness-- which he always feels scary and regretful of what he did and shame on himself as a dinosaur he tries to become someone else.
   At the beginning of the story, Q was so disappointed to live as a dinosaur and he always feels shame on himself. To Q, he does not want to choose to be a dinosaur if he could. Q always feels more scary on himself more than how much he makes others scary. Once Q says to himself "the more I learned how we made others tremble, the more I trembled myself."(P100). This shows how the level that Q feels of himself when someone feels scare on him. From this quote, I feel that not only it really prove the emotion that Q has, I noticed the diction in this sentence is wisely-- The author did not choose "scary, afraid" these kinds of words to describe how Q feels scary on himself, the author rather to use "Trembled" which is perfect. Trembled is the actions when people feel scary and do it, which the author used it to describe the emotional. For Q, he could see how much he makes scary on others, and that shows how terrible others think he is. In another hand, if he is just all right, people won't feel trembled at him any more.
   While Q and Zahn join the conversation with the people, one of those guys mentioned about the dinosaur which makes Q feels uncomfortable-- Q afraid that those guys would talk about the dinosaur and found out he is the ones. Q is nervous, careful, and shamefulness. "In the end they changed the subject, I could breathe again."(P101) A person becomes nervous without breathing does not mean they do not breathe, it means that they do not noticed they are breathing because they focus a lot onto a subject. This is also a good diction because "stopping Breathing" shows how Q is too nervous on the topic. Q actually afraid that people would notice he is a dinosaur and try to kill him-- and this is what brings Q feel nervous about.
   Last, there is also a small fact that shows Q is shame on himself. When he heard about the ancient lord  by dinosaurs and noticed about "Now I knew that the more the dinosaur disappear, the more they extend their dominition."(p107) Even though for Q, he knows that if the dinosaurs nation die faster, then the ancient lord would lead the world faster. Unfortunately, Q did not spent so much cares about it because he hates dinosaur which he is one of them. As usual, people would do something to stop it, but he did not! He does not care about it. All in all, these three facts show how Q are shame at being a dinosaur.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to "Right and Wrong Part one" By Vincent Liu

I found this quote from Vincent's Blog and I like to talk about it:
These two theories are not perfect, and they have many flaws. My first theory states that a person shapes their sense of right and wrong by their personal experiences in life. This not always true. For example, a person can grow up in a family of criminals, but they can actually choose to not follow in his or her family footsteps because they decide that whatever their family doing is wrong. If my first theory is correct, this example can't be true. Being born in a family of criminals means that you are expose to doing crimes everyday, and you are heavily influenced by the bad people around you for every second of your life. How is it possible that with all of this influence, it can't even shape a person sense of right and wrong?
     I agree with Vincent at this point. Sometimes people judge things right or true by their experiences or what olders told them. I am not saying that anything old people say is no right, but no one in this world is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes when the olders get misunderstanding and told people to do the wrong things, this is what basic what Vincent has mentioned about. How would a person iderntify someting is wrong without other people say so?
     Since I was little, my parents or my family members always told me what is right to do, which is not.
 I absolutely believed them because their experiences are more than mine and at that moment, I cannot even identify if they are reight or not. I just believe it. This really expressed how older people are effected the younged people which Vincent has mentioned about.
     Anyways, in conclusion, I still think that people should define "true" or "falese" by their own expriences and not by what other people have taught-- the things you see will never "lie" to you because it is truefullness.
Sometimes, the suggestions that the olders mention about could be anxiety, then do the things you believe is true.
    Waiting for the second part of the story. Yah!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Superman Can't Fly

   What happened if a superman can't fly? As we know, superman is a cartoon guy who tries to save people in their lives. I was a Superman fans since I was still in kindergarten. I liked them because they are awesome and different superman has different super powers. Flying is the basic thing that a superman should have(how could a  superman quits without flying skill when he gets kick ass?For sure, no one deducts his power, he just, can't fly!). Whatsoever, this kind of superman is weak at his powers.
   Back to the topic, what happen to a superman if he can't fly? Would he still try to help people out even though it is more dangerous than before? What is the definition of a "superman"? My own opinion to it is that a guy who does good things and contributes a lot to the society. To fight some bad guys and save people from the detonation and fly away is just the cartoon version which is unreal in our life. It is cool and we all hope for this person comes to us, but it is impossible, at least sure for now.
   It will be pretty cool that someone just wearing a suit and comes help people even though he is a person who is without any super powers. Actually, if someone just wants to do some good thing to the society, for example, he or she might just go and help the older,  or do anything else to help. To me, I think they are the "superman"-- does superman have to have super power? NO! Flying is just one of the skills that a superman has-- they have to have a heart-- a heart which tries to help people out-- a heart which always cares others more that himself.
   For me, I  like this unflyable superman more than the one in the cartoon-- just do not ask me why.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Vocab List


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Response to"Today I was ashame of my own blood" by Amber Gomez

It took me few minutes to finish reading Amber Gomez's Blog post, I found a golden line:
I hate that I feel slightly ashamed of what my blood is out there doing. The truth is, I don't know what is going on on the battlefield. I don't know what they are doing, I don't know what they're thinking, so I don't know how to respond. Also I feel terrible because now every person that watched the video today has had to think at least once today "Damn, those soldiers are awful." We shouldn't have to doubt our own country.
    What Amber is talking about is the film that Mr. Fargher shows us these few days. The film is about the  how the Iraq War involved with Americans and so many soldiers die. Basically what Amber is mentioned is that she feels bad because those soldiers die and in another hand they die because they are protecting us. Amber said that she was shamed on her blood because she thinks in the past, Chinese people killed a lot of different nation of people. And then she said she will immediately to go ask her uncle if he did kill someone in the war.
     I disagree of what Amber said. In the war, if one side of the soldiers would be scary to kill the enemy, then the another side of soldiers will come to kill this side of soldiers. As a soldiers, you won't have any choices-- Kill someone or get killed by someone. And also, I think that as old as her uncle is, he would not involved any big war unless he is a soldier. There are many things that were not the soldiers' false to kill people-- it is the leaders' false-- they try to attack other nation to get more territory or more authority.Whenever somewhere has a war, there would be a lot of people die in the war. It is not the soldiers' false because no one wants to kill someone they do not know for no reasons.
    Here is a quote that I really like about, and it is from a Japanese officer,"You need to think about you will get killed before you raised your gun." What it basically means is that from the moment that you have your gun up and try to shot someone, you need to also think about someone will also kill you by a gun. This is why it is called a warr-- which will easily take people's life.
   Amber feels scale and pity in the war, which everyone in our class does. However, this is what the result of having a war and she should not feel shamed of what her blood's relationship is. I know the problems will always not started from the soldiers, but always end with them, which we called scrafied. Aren't the people just making a war because they have nothing to do? No! It does not make any senses. This is what I think aboyut it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quickwrite--" I am, I have, I do"

Quickwrite--"I am, I have , I do."
    I think what Steinberm mean by this picture is that he is shadowing his childhood. The three key words are "I am, I have and I do". Fist of all, I think "I am" is the first key word, because when everyone is still a kid, he or she will always dream about that I am am a superman, or I am peron who has the secret weapon. We also have dreams on the job that we want to have after we grow up. "I am going to be a doctor after 20 years!" this is what my little course always tells me. For him, he would not know how many hard works he will need to do if he wants to be a doctor, he is just saying it. He does not have any responsible with what he is saying--who is going to remember a 3 years old child is talking about. Therefore, this is what basically I think what he meant by that.
    Second,  Steinbern mentioned " I have". What I am thinking about it is that he is in a period which 30-40 year-old. He was having his job, and making money. During this time, he was recalling to his childhood time which repressents to what he has "done". For sure, Steinbern went to elementary, middle, and high school, he must have his experiences on different periods of school. I think what he meant by "I have" is that what he has done and contribute to humanity and his voice is confidently and proundly.
    Third, when he turns old, his life is full of happiness and he feels pround on everything he have done. As a pointer, I think he believe nothing is impossible unless you try. "I do" is not showing that what he is going to do, is also showing what he already did. I think he is pround to say that because he was having a wonderful life, this is why he is so pround and says," I do!" So basically it is following order of young to old to draw this picture. And this is what I think about this meaningful picture and from here, I learn a lot of things that Steninbern tries to tell the audiences about the tips to go through our life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Opening Statement

Opening Statement

         Hello everyone, my name is Peter Chen, and he is my partner, Jasiu. Today we are debate topic is Global warming and we are Con. we believe global warming is natural and humanity activities do not effect it at all. We have all heard about the treat of man-made global warming. We have been informed that it is cause by the increase of CO2 and human activities o. Therefore we need to sacrifice many things to save our planet because it is all fault! Do Not worry, its not true! you have nothing to do with it.
        The causes of global warming are broadly divided into two categories-- natural causes and anthropogenic causes which is man-made cause. First of all, Co2 is a very weak green house gas if it is one at all. water vapor is what causes the greenhouse gas effect. Second of all, humanity just make 5 percents of world’s Co2, and Co2 cause 5% of the green house gas effect,if Co2 is a green house gas. temperatures control co2, not co2 controls temperatures. Jasiu will explain this on his power point. it is the sun that controls the earth’s and the solar system’s temperature. Earth and other planets are warming up too. in addition to that, there has been times when the temperatures were higher than today an Co2 had nothing to do with it. Third of all, earth is not the only planet that is warming up. Fourth of all, there is "no real scientific proof" that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man's activity. Fifth of all, warmer periods of the earth's history came arounf 800 years before rises in CO2 levels Therefore both of us believe global warming actually is a kind of natural stuff that the planet have.
     On the packet that Mr. Sutherland gave me shows 14 evidences, here are the one of all that I feel like they are important: Human releases of CO2 cannot cause climate change as any increases in CO2 are eventually balanced by nature could just built up not bigger than 1 percent of it! So what makes this happen? Natural phenomenon which we will show our evidences next. Thank you!

Friday, August 27, 2010

ASTI Constitution

After reading "infinities" of classmates' good works, I have founded one of the golden line that is in David's reflections:
I believe that paying attention in class is one my strengths that focuses on college readiness. I like to jot down notes when I am watching clips that the teacher has brought in or when I am listening to the teacher even though the teacher doesn’t say to do so. I just like to be careful. Over the next few years, I would like to work on my organization skills. I tend to get messy often and my backpack seems to be stuck full of papers.
This quote's meaning is relating to ASTI constitution because it is shown what is the goal that the writer had. I think what David said is that he mentioned what his strength is and how could he do to improve himself in college classes. David also talks about paying attention is not enough, he needs to jot down some notes that the teachers havn't tought about, which also call your thoughts. David also talks about what should he still need to work on-- his organization skill. As his classmate, I notice that he does pretty good at this, but he still think he needs to improve. Perhaps his stuck full of papers really make annoying to him because I know. For me, I think I need to improve on my organization skills, too. One of the reasons is that I always put different period handouts into others' period folders. It causes me sometimes hard to find my papers because I would not remember which one paper is in which folder or binder. I try to recall but always cannot really know where I put. In the fulture, I will try to organize well like a college student does. I will also act like David did--try to improve my strengths.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Remarks by President Barack Obama" Reflection

    In the speech, Barack Obama had mentioned that students should have their own responsibility to study.  The president said if a student quits school, he or she does not just quit his or her school, he or she quits the hopes and requirements by the families and the country. Barack Obama also mentioned no one is cotrolling anyone's destiny, and you control your own destiny. If you want to be good, you need to spent hark work on studying; if not, then a bad grade will come to you. There is also a good sentence that Barack Obama said," where you are right now does not determind where you will end up." Right, even though we have few times get bad grades, it does not mean that we are stupid; it shows what we get wrong and improving everyday and get better in the fulture.
    As a student, I know the responsibility for me to study. It probably not easy for me, but I still need to try my best. My family always tell me it is Okay to get a bad grade unless you really try your best and spent your time on hard work. Sometimes, I might not absolutely get a good grade on every class and I need to improve my English readings. I desire one day I could improve my English just like a real American, and this is what I am trying to do.
   After reading this speech by Barack Obama, I really feel I learn a lot. Not only how he taught to the students, espectially how he strongly show the students they are controling their fulture and not to make dissapointments on our families. Sometimes I feel lucky that I was born in a family that could totally raise me to study. I will try and try like what the presodent said, " your bahavior is shown how the U.S educational looks like." and I will do my best in my future. Improvements, are coming to me soon!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Just kidding"and "Ganging up"from Odd Girl Out Reflection


      People always bully someone when they do not get alone with that person. Especially at school, soemtimes when one student not having a good relationships with others, then other students would just joke about him and bully him. The guys who bully others would not know how the feeling is for that person. If this person is really without any authority, I mean, even most of his or her teachers would not help this person, then  I could say this person really gets in a big trouble.
       When I was eighth grade in Lincoln Middle School,(and that is also my first year to have U.S education) I saw many times that people bully others. I did not help the one who gets bully on, how could you help a guy that is against to few people? Authority? Power? Evidence? No! None of them above I had. I just know do not make others feel bad or mad, do the way I think it should be. Luckily, in Lincoln, I remember I only have once that others tried to bully me, not really bully, but it really make be feel bad. The second day of the school, there is a guy who lanugh on my English-speaking skill very loudly(that was my first year! How would I speak English like an ABC!?) At that day, that guy really make me feel shame and bad. However, I was learning Algebra one at that year and I have been learned it in China when I was 6th grade. It seemed so easy for me and I still remember I got 12 100-percents tests out of 17(One of the reasons is that my math teacher was really helping me in my English). At the second time when I got my 100-percents test back, the guy who was bully me did not say anything about me again. In Chinese, this called prestige. When you get something that is huge better than others, others would think you were a gifted guy. And later on, I did not talk to the guy who was bully me, and our relationship gets better-- he apologize and I said "it is Okay."
       If people are bully me, I won't just walk away like some people do. I will stay there and listen to what those people said and wait for them finish. I won't escape because I think if you just walk away, people will think you are weak and bully you again and again. One of the reasons is that I think I need to show them I do not care what they are saying, even though I really do in my brain. Second, I won't say anything back because perhap those guy will be my friends some day. To have one more friend is better than to have one more enemy.
       There is a girl in the "Odd Girl Out" whose name is Nikki and she said," If I am mad at someone, it,it is just a lot easier to tell everyone else and turn them against the persons because then I am the one who is right. " To have others' power and turn them all to against one person, that is meanness and unforgiveness. How would you know the feelings of how a group of people bully you and the same feeling for the person who you are bully on.
       Think before you act. As high school students, we know that we are responsiblity to what we did. Bully someone is not cool because if you know the feeling of getting bully, you won't do it any more. Be friendly and nice, a person could be one of your friend or one of your enermy.